2020 Raffle Quilt

Raffle Quilt 2020
Bits ‘n’ Pieces Quilt Guild
 A-Team’s Rose of Sharon
79” x 99”

Raffle Quilt Update
We are pleased to announce that the drawing for the 2020 Raffle Quilt, A-Team Rose of Sharon, will be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Hopefully, this will happen at the September guild meeting. If this meeting is canceled, an alternative location will be determined. Check here or on our Facebook page for details.

This distinctive queen-sized quilt was created by the members of the A-Team, an applique mini group of the Bits ’n’ Pieces Quilt Guild, St Louis, MO.
Each hand appliqued block is a design original using Rose of Sharon elements (scalloped blossoms, leaves, and circles) in various sizes. Inspiration for this quilt is from  Sharon Pederson’s Rose of Sharon Block Book.
Early traditional Rose of Sharon quilts from the 1850’s were made using only red, green and white color schemes while today’s contemporary quilts are made with every color of the rainbow. This quilt was made from a selection of batiks and prints.
A-Team’s Rose of Sharon was juried into the 2019 American Quilter’s Society Quilt Show in Paducah, KY, and won a Bits ‘n’ Pieces Best Group Quilt award in 2018.

Members: Click here to download and print an information sheet to use when selling raffle tickets.

Members: Click here to go to the member’s page to find the link for sign up genius. Sign up to sell raffle tickets at various venues.

Upcoming Schedule for Selling Raffle Tickets
Monday, Feb 17 (President’s Day) 10:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. (2-hour shifts) Jackman’s Fabrics, Creve Coeur
Saturday, Feb 29, 10:00 a.m. – 4 p.m. (2-hour shifts) Jackman’s Fabrics, Creve Coeur

Quilt Details

Applique Blocks:   Each 12-inch block is set on point and uses the Rose of Sharon design elements. All are original designs by A-Team members and are hand appliqued using 100% cotton fabrics.
Sashing and Borders:  100% cotton fabrics sewn by machine using Aurifil thread.
Backing:  Moda tan and white scroll print
Batting: Quilter’s Dream Wool, a washable wool batting
Quilting:  Custom machine quilting by Judy Vogt