UFO Competition

UFOs are those UnFinished Objects lying around your sewing room. Quilts you’ve been meaning to work on, wall hangings, table runners, kits that you purchased at your favorite fabric store or quilt show that you had to have – but haven’t yet started.

Fill out a form, or just a piece of paper, with your list of unfinished projects you wish to finish….someday. List them all! All we need is a working title or brief description of the project by our April meeting. Turn your list in to the UFO chair then go home and work. When your project is complete, bring it to show and tell at our monthly meeting then come to the UFO table to record the measurements. The measurement is how you earn points. Points turn into prizes! This is a win/win for all who participate.

2024 UFO Form (PDF)

2024 UFO Form (Excel)

Remember to turn in your form by the April monthly meeting.

If you have any questions please contact Rita Nyhoff and Jane Dapkus,  UFO Coordinators, for more information.

Find their contact info in the membership list on the Member’s only page.