

What are they?

These are smaller groups within the Bits ‘n’ Pieces Quilt Guild that meet outside of the regular monthly meeting.  These groups may be based on interest, location or projects.

What is their purpose?

The purpose of a mini group is that you get better acquainted with your fellow guild members when meeting in small groups.  You may attend to learn new techniques, join like-minded artists or just for the social aspect of getting together.

How do I join?

Many of our groups are open to any member and some are closed.

  • If a group is open, you are welcome to reach out to the member that coordinates the group to request to join.

  • Groups that are closed have made that choice typically because the groups meet in people’s homes and too many people make it difficult to find a space large enough. You are welcome to reach out to the coordinators of these groups to see when they may be open OR if they have a waiting list to join.

  • Lastly, there are no requirements to start a new group! If you don’t see one that is available or have a new idea for a group, feel free to start one up!  We recommend that you submit the idea through the current guild president to coordinate the announcements and definition of the group.

What are the current groups?

Listed below are the current groups, the coordinator’s name, when they meet, the status of the group and the definition of each group.  These are listed by a “category” to help you sort through what might be of interest to you.

Groups Currently Closed to New Members–Contact the Coordinator to get on a waiting list.

Art Quilts – These groups focus on all things related to Art Quilting – making unique (no pattern) pieces of art.

Art Bits STL–Wendy Richards–CLOSED–We are a group of 25 artists interested in focusing on creativity, trying new techniques, and supporting each other in our art quilt journeys.   We often have open sew or demos prior to the meeting–2nd Wed  2-4 PM at West County Fire Station.
Art Quilters St. Louis–Lori Feldman–CLOSED–Art quilting is a huge world of infinite possibilities. We share techniques, ask questions, offer ideas, and cheer accomplishments as we explore our individual ideas of beauty. From novice to experience art quilter, we all have skills to share that help artists translate their ideas to art pieces that bring them joy–4th Thursday 6-8 PM–West County Fire Station.
Quilt with heART–Barb Nagel–CLOSED–Group of twelve sewists and quilters who are interested in exploring the world of art quilting.  Some of us are beginners and other have years of experience in art quilting, but we all share a passion for creating. Our meetings vary in format and structure. Sometimes we just talk and discuss ideas; sometimes we bring our machines and sew; and sometimes we have a guest teacher. But we always avidly support each other as we share our ideas and projects. Show and Tell is a highlight of our meetings! We also plan group social outings such as visiting the MO Botanical Garden or Kimmswick, MO.–2nd Thurs 6:30-9 PM at West County Fire Station.

Block Exchange Groups – these groups have a hostess that supplies a pattern, and the group makes blocks for the hostess, returning them the following month.  The hostess is a rotating schedule everyone takes a turn.

Pieces of Friendship–Nancy Muskopf–OPEN–We are a block exchange group that meet monthly in each other’s homes. The hostess selects a block with instructions for us to make. We make the block and meet the next month with a new hostess and repeat the process–2nd Wednesday 9:30 AM in a member’s home.
Crazy Quilters–Darla Gibson–CLOSED–Our purpose is mainly social.  We meet, talk, maybe eat some snacks and do show and tell.  We also do a block exchange.  The hostess each month selects a block and technique for us to create.  We take that home and return it next month and repeat the process.  Our group does not have any true “rules”.  We just like to get our Crazy friends together and have fun!  Many of us use the blocks made to make a quilt for COK and More, others are Anniversary, Birthday, Graduation, etc… gifts for our family (we just use our friends to help get them accomplished).–2nd Tuesday evening.
Southern Stitchers–Lynn DeWitt–CLOSED–We are a block exchange group that meet monthly in each other’s homes. The hostess selects a block with instructions for us to make. We make the block and meet the next month with a new hostess and repeat the process–2nd Tuesday 10 AM in a member’s home.

Social Groups – these groups get together to sew, chat and have fun!

Nighttime Needlers–Susan Calzone–CLOSED— A social group to visit while enjoying handwork in one’s lap.  Soft beverages, snacks, and desserts.–1st Thursday 7 – 9 PM February-December in a member’s home.
Traveling Company–Looking for a Coordinator–OPENThe Traveling Company mini group goes on day trips to see things of interest to quilters. It can be an art exhibition, an event, a tour of a place with quilts or anything else. It hasn’t been  active of late because there is no one to supervise. The activities of the group are suggested by anyone in the Guild, and anyone in the Guild is welcome to attend any outing.–3rd Tuesday–Various locations.

Special Interest Groups – These groups meet around a specific type of quilting method such as applique, paper pieces making charity quilts or beginner sewing techniques.

A-Team–Judy Vogt–OPEN–We are an appliqué group that explores different methods of appliquéing.  Sometimes we make a group project, such as the current raffle quilt, and sometimes we work on individual projects.  It’s fun to explore different appliqué methods and determine which suits you.  Our group is currently open to adding a few new members, so if interested contact Judy Vogt.–2nd Thursday Daytime in a member’s home.
Scraps–Nancy Muskopf–OPEN–We get together on the second Monday of each month at Salem Methodist Church.  You do not have to join, just come when you can.  We have kits available for you to work on or bring something of your own.  All our quilts are donated to Cover Our Kids. We sew and socialize.  You can come anytime and leave anytime.–2nd Monday AM at Salem Methodist Church.
Beginner’s Luck–Chris Williams–CLOSED–We are a group of quilters looking to learn new skills and explore different techniques.  We started with a quilt of starts – learning piecing techniques, moved to the color wheel, and then to “dwellings” of all kinds, and our latest has been a block exchange.  2025 will challenge us with stars again – but combining techniques. A fun group learning together!–1st Tuesday at St. Mark Presbyterian Church.
Pretty Paper Piecers–Linda Keeler–CLOSEDWe are a group of ladies dedicated to the art of paper piecing. We meet weekly on Zoom. We work on group projects or your own paper piecing project. We have not done any challenges, but most would say that they are very challenged.–Tuesdays at 1 PM, Zoom Only.
Woman’s Wooly Group–AnnaMarie Erba–CLOSED–Meetings in a member’s home.